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Curse of False Resurrection

Those resurrected through a means that forces a soul back into the body without precautions, care, or craftsmanship often leave a scar behind on the body. This can manifest in different ways but is a physical manifestation of the soul's essence leaking out from cracks in the soul from the brutal resurrection process. Those with this curse generally live shorter lives.

Creatures with this curse have one permanent negative level and upon acquiring the curse, the GM rolls a 1d10 and subtracts the result as a percentage from their expected lifespan. This negative level cannot cannot be removed by restoration though greater restoration can remove it.

A mythic creature's soul contains too much power to be resurrected in this way, but if a creature already afflicted with this curse becomes mythic, the curse takes on a new form, leaking mythic power alongside their soul's essence.

A mythic creature instinctively expends one use of mythic power across a day each day to shore up the cracks and stop their soul's essence and mythic power from leaking out. When sealed in this way, the creature suffers no ill effects from this curse.

The mythic creature can stop using mythic power to voluntarily let the cracks open again. While mythic power leaks from a creature due to this curse, the creature is able to harness a portion of it and use it to push their abilities further. Mythic creatures do not suffer the effects of the negative level but do still count it for dying purposes.

Ability increase: +2 bonus to all ability scores and double the ability score increases from leveling and mythic tiers.

Enhanced spellcasting: Prepared casters can switch any prepared spell with another spell they know of the same level. Spontaneous casters can cast metamagic spells without the required increase in casting time from applying the metamagic feat. Casters also add their casting ability modifier to any attack rolls, saves, or skill checks that are part of spells and add it an additional time to spell DCs.

Enhanced martial combat: When making multiple attacks a turn, you can choose to ignore non-condition based penalties to one attack roll per attack made with full BAB (e.g. power attack, rapid shot, two weapon fighting, etc.).

Note: you can ignore the successive -5 from multiple attacks from high BAB from one attack, but it only ignores one set of -5 not the already accumulated amount and it continues to accumulate as if you had the -5 (e.g. +20/+20/+10/+5 or +20/+15/+15/+5, etc.).
Note: the "per attack made with full BAB" means if you have an effect like haste, you get an additional ignore.

When making only a single attack per turn, you get a +1 bonus to attack and damage per 2 BAB you have (min +1).

Hard to stop: you get a +1 bonus to combat maneuvers per 2 BAB you have (min +1) and add an additional 50% of your BAB to your CMD. You gain the effects of diehard. You treat all 1's rolled on attacks, damage, skill checks, and saves as 2's.

Skilled: you get the benefits of the unchained bonuses for skills and count your skill ranks (min 1) as 50% higher to qualify for unchained bonuses.

Leaking mythic power comes at a cost, however. A mythic character can only leak so much mythic power until they lose some mythic power. Allowing mythic power to leak from the cracks for 30 minutes will result in one unit of mythic power being permanently lost. Although the leaking power can be harnessed at any time the cracks are open, the crack takes time to fully open and fully seal again and as such must be done in 1 minute increments.