Once upon a time, the first sorcerers discovered a creature confined to a prison of stone.
In exchange for its freedom, they asked of it one thing: power.
A deal was struck and the scholars were granted their wish.
The creature imbued them with its essence and so gave them the ability to cast magic.
The sorcerers upheld their end of the bargain. They had to travel far. To a place only reachable through magic
where the stars are alive and there is no sun.
There they found the key to release the creature.
They returned to their world and used this key on the stone.
Freed, the creature left the wizards to their studies and power, and no one knows where it went.
Goose's parents note the inconsistencies with referring to the group as scholars, wizards, or sorcerers. And that sorcerers receive magical powers from their bloodline, but wizards gain it through study.